Join me to see what I have gathered in the

Duke Exploratorium



A Brief History

“If you want any dessert you have to try everything on your plate first.” - Pamela Duke

Challenge accepted.

Exploring new places, new foods, new people and new things. Bring it on. The more you can experience the better. My attitude is what I am teaching this little blur captured in this image. Sometimes we explore together and find new things that are perfect for a child growing up in a world very different than the one I was raised in. Other days I am exploring things for me as being a mom is a part of me but is not my only definition. Most people in the world know me without this little one at my side. Even she will tell people she meets that I am Christine Duke, not mom or her mom. So let’s see what all I can stumbling into in the time that I am not working, commuting, mothering, teaching, being on my phone, or is that when I happen to find new things?